This composite image served as the centerspread of an 11 x 17 mailer, and was used on palmcards and social media posts. Judge Margarita won a landslide re-election, beating both opponents by over 30 points each.

11 x 6 Postcard, Democratic Primary for New York City Council. This mailing ratified Bobby Carroll as the progressive candidate, and he won with 90% of the vote in his first campaign for public office.

Democrat Richard Montelione had a long record of providing pro bono legal work, and this mailer told that story. He defeated the county organization candidate in a stunning upset.

8.5 x 11 Postcard, Democratic Primary for State Committee/District Leader. The only mailing Chris did, this piece crystallized a multi-candidate race for an obscure office, and let voters know exactly what was at stake.

8.5 x 11 Postcard, Democratic Primary for City Council. This mailing was extremely well received and reprinted on major political websites.

My own 4-inch round Photography business card and logo.

A simple image can be very powerful, and easy for voters to remember. The logo I designed for Karen was used on posters, palm cards and mailing pieces.

This brochure positioned Jim Brennan as “the hardest-working Democrat you've probably never heard of.”

This 4-page booklet mailed to Democratic Primary voters told the anguishing story of one man’s false imprisonment -- and our candidate’s success in freeing him after eight years in jail.

Newspaper ad, poster and direct mail piece for New York City Council race.

Newspaper ad for a White Plains law firm.

Newsletter for Bonina & Bonina, The MedLaw Team.

Interior of a police union election mailer that showed the dramatic difference between perception and reality.

8.5 x 11 Postcard, General Election for New York City Council. This mailing illustrated what voters were really getting if they chose the incumbent.

In the Republican Primary for Yonkers Mayor, the opposition sought to portray my client as someone who raised taxes and spent recklessly. Voters laughed at the accusation, and rejected their candidate by a landslide.

A political argument is more powerful when it uses references to popular culture.

We previously mailed a piece that parodied the opposition candidate’s material by replacing her with a posed puppet in all the photos. It was so well received that we sent a followup mailer to voters, which unfolded to become this 11 x 17 poster. Seeing it appear in so many voters’ windows confirmed its appeal. Murtagh’s landslide victory confirmed its impact.

This simple black & white postcard reminded voters that the opponent’s main political benefactor was convicted of election fraud and drug dealing.

Voters are accustomed to hearing politicians talk. And talk. And talk. Photoshop enabled us to focus on the reason for one senator’s silence.

Local political party organizations often use smoke, mirrors and the aura of inevitability to keep people in line. I composited the opposition candidate’s headshot with a 1960s Politburo portrait of Leonid Brezhnev. One voter looked at this mailer and told our candidate, “Now I know what this race is all about.”

Where do I start? This guy actually ran for City Council while he was out on bail for sexual assault, after a prior stint in jail for grand larceny while impersonating a police officer. We used his police mug shot for this poster. He ended up getting just 3% of the vote.

This poster burnished the Governor’s image as the man whom Emperor Palpatine depended on.